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 Sententious Meeting (Christine, Elise, Ranerak) 
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Post Sententious Meeting (Christine, Elise, Ranerak)
(Sorry for the absence. Moving into a new house! Hooray for new houses!)
Christine: Blue
Elise: Green
Ranerak: Red

“Ma’am…We’ve landed…Miss….Ma’am I don’t have all day.”

Amber eyes violently fluttered open, glossy, radiating light with bright green flecks coldly staring through the slender-framed imbecile who had rudely shaken her awake. This was the first time she’d even seen the pilot, a rough looking man in his later 30’s who had a tired look about him, accented by large bluish bags beneath his eyes. Her only clue as to who he was happening to be the uniform he was wearing with a myriad of pendants and pins indicating experience. Why a mere pilot should have so many, was a mystery to her.

“Ma’am, I don’t have all day we-” His impatience and voice was rude and evident, she cut him off. “Yeah, yeah I heard you the first time.” She smiled to herself returning his impudence.

She lazily got up out of the extremely comfortable chair and gathered her carry on bag, along with the iPod that had fallen from her ears long ago in a restful sleep. She lightly wrapped the headphones around the device and shoved it in the back pocket of her white Capri jeans and made her way down the isle. She took her sweet time, in attempt to irritate the already bothered pilot, but the walk was too short to take advantage of. She found herself walking down the metal stairs onto the docks. She hated sea planes, but she couldn’t complain. The sea mist that gently caressed her healthy, but pale skin was refreshing. The sun was high in the crystal blue of the cloudless sky her guess was that it was about noon. The sun’s brilliance cast a glow over the massive island and she found herself lost in thought as she gazed about the terrain. In the distance she saw a beach, she wasn’t one for being out in the sun, but at night perhaps it would provide a place of refuge for her. Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the slam of her larger luggage on the dock and the loud shut of the sea plane door.
“Prick.” She muttered under her breath and pulled the handle to her large bag, slinging her carry-on back over her shoulder. She had no idea where to go, but she was no idiot, her guess was to report to the main office, at least there she could probably get some answers. She heard the loud engine start and was sprayed with a large mist of water as the pilot began his take off. “Asshole!” Her obscenity was lost within the loud engine run, and the noise of the boisterous propeller.

Grumbling and angry she made her way towards a grandiose building, she could only assume was the school itself. The immense heat from the sun’s rays poured down on her, she was grateful when the view of the school got closer and closer. When she was only a few yards away she hurried her pace to a run, her baggage following clumsily on wheels behind her in the grass. She caught many curious glances from some of the girls as she passed through the court yard; some were ruder than others. She took no notice to them. She wanted to get situated before starting any trouble. At long last she could rest; she’d made it to the Information desk. She peered around the room, a few girls passed here and there, all in uniform. There was one though, who had walked by the doorway, which had seemed a bit lost herself. Shorter than herself, with shoulder length raven colored hair, that had blue accents to it. She was hauling around luggage, much like herself. Christine frowned, she'd wanted to say something to the girl as she passed by, but had advised against it and continued her approach towards the desk. Her hand released the handle of her bag and she leaned her bare arms on the desk. “I’m a new student, my name’s Christine. I’m not really sure where I’m supposed to go.”

A large chair swirled in her direction to be met with a frail, tiny woman. She had to have doubled her in size. “Last name please?” Her voice was calming and polite. The girl felt at ease, she had been worried that everyone on the island would be rude. Comforted by the thought of people who had some decency she answered. “Savron. Catherine Christine Savron.” The woman nodded, looking over her large framed glasses at the computer that was in front of her, fingers fluttering with amazing speed over a keyboard. Moments later the sound of printing was heard behind her. The woman whirled around, pushing her wheeled chair in the direction, grabbed the printed document, and was back at the desk. This woman could move for her age, which had to have been in her 50’s at least. “Ah, seems you have a roommate who was scheduled to arrive today. That’s funny.” She said looking from the paper to her computer screen. “Her plane landed hours ago. Eh, I still haven’t seen her. Here you go.” The woman handed her the paper over the elevated desk, Christine received it gratefully, her eyes greedily reading over it.

Catherine Christine Savron
Room No.: 5-226
Room Mate: Elise Renfroe.

See Counselor for Schedule Information: Main Building: Room 33B
Uniform Pick Up: See Jonas in Basement Room 24

Worry passed through the student as she read the name aloud. “Elise…R-Renfroe.” She wasn’t aware that she was going to be assigned a roommate. ‘I hope she isn’t a total bitch.’ She thought silently to herself, but the more pressing issue, the uniform. She'd seen it and she thought it to be hideous. She didn't mind showing a little skin, but the length of the skirts were, in her mind, riddiculous. After receiving further instruction on how to get to her dorm room, she thanked the woman and headed towards her luggage, gathering things together

When Christine finally trundles to the dorm, Elise is already there. She's stretched out on one of the unfurnished mattresses, barefoot, her raised knees making a tent covered by the long black broomstick skirt. One arm is folded under her head, the other holding her paper for room assignment towards the ceiling. She reads it under the light. Her eyes drift to Christine as she comes in, flicking the paper away. "People pushing the paperwork around here seem like real cocksuckers, huh?" Nothing's been done to the room yet. Just bare dressers, bare mattresses, and a huge suitcase flopped half open on the floor.

Christine was furious. She’d just had to haul her luggage up four flights of stairs to get to her dorm of the fifth floor. Not a damned elevator in sight, only to find that it was on the other side of the dorm. Huffing, she finally found her room and pushed the door open exaggeratedly. Her demeanor changed from angry and frustrated to tense, yet collective when she saw the figure lounging on the bed. The tension she felt was diminished by the girl’s stray comment. She chuckled lightly. “Ah no, I found the lady quite sweet. But the fucking architect of this place needs to be shot. The bastard hid the elevator on the other side of the building. I had to haul all of my crap up the stairs.” She said light-heartedly, making her way towards the other side of the room. It was furnished, yet bare. It was large, much larger than some of the room’s she’d seen on the first floor. Probably the benefit of paying a larger room tuition fee. She noted that it had two bathrooms, and the room actually looked like two rooms combined, designed to mirror each other. She made her way towards the left side, since she figured the girl had chosen the right side as her domain. Once she dropped off her larger bag at the edge of her bed, and threw her carry on bag on the barren mattress she made her way towards the girl, who still lay in the same position on the bed. She extended her hand. “Christine.”

"Really? Well, I got her last night, and they've been sending me back and forth over the whole campus since then." She nods down at the bag on the floor. "You think that's everything I brought with me? I don't know where any of my bags are, and I've got no extra clothes." She pushed to a seat, indian style, her palms resting against her crossed legs. "Little old lady about three feet tall, right? Yeah. She was real nice, but nice in that way you get at the start of a horror movie, yanno? All sweet and saccharine because she's overjoyed because she knows it's secretly a hangout for hillbilly vampire cannibals or something. Christ. I half expected a werewolf to pop out when I opened the dorm door." She shrugs, offering out her hand. "Sorry, I'm El. It's just...." Her nose wrinkles. "Those uniforms. I didn't know my dad had signed me up for a stripper school."

The student shook her hand lightly then released with a chuckle. “Tell me about it, I came here to study, not to be a cheesy school girl porn star.” So far, Christine had come to the conclusion that perhaps she and this girl would get along. “I stopped by the basement to grab my uniform before I came up here, the basement was the cliché occult horror style. Flickering fluorescent lights, the works.” She scanned the area, El had mentioned that she was absent a change of clothes, but Christine wasn’t quite sure if she’d made it down to the basement or not to pick up her uniform. “That guy on the sheet. Jonas or whatever his name is. What a piece of work. I asked for a larger skirt size and he just insisted that he didn’t have one. Personally I think he’s just a pervert.” She rolled her eyes and made it back towards her bed and unzipped the medium sized back on her bed.

Books. Book after book the student piled on top of her bed. They weren’t ordinary books though, volumes. A rather heavy load for the girl to have carried but to an onlooker Christine seemed to treasure these boring reads. The entirety of the bag was nothing but these volumes, as many as the student could have crammed in. After the arduous task of unpacking her coveted treasures she stacked the first load of three on top of each other and made her way towards her dresser. She pulled open the bottom drawer and began to neatly stack the massive books in the space. While she unpacked her oddities she made a decent attempt at small conversation with her new roommate, which in turn left her to fumble her load and the last of the twelve volumes came crashing to the floor. Two of the books seemed normal as they dropped to the floor, only one had hit at an indecent angle causing it to flutter open. The open book that lay on the floor had revealed its true purpose. Excluding the first few pages and the last few, nearly the entire book had been hollowed out to conceal red and white packages that were to be assumed cigarette packs. Christine hurriedly rushed to hide her bad habit, but on a second thought she looked up embarrassed. “Smoke?” She let a smile cross her face and added. “A little trick I learned in Vegas. I know it’s a bad habit, but when I heard that they’d be confiscated I knew I just wouldn’t survive without them. Had to hide ‘em some way.”

She’d gathered all but one back into its compartment that easily held six packs each. She threw the stray pack onto the bed and put the last of the volumes into the drawers. She opened the pack and withdrew two cigarettes. She threw one towards the girl carefully and made her way to the large window sill that divided the room, unlatching the window and pushing it open. She pressed the cigarette between her lips and lit it, tossing the lighter towards Elise shortly after. Silver wisps of smoke streamed from between the girl’s parted lips in a loud exhale. “It’s been too long.” She said leaning her head against the window.

Her hesitation fades and all that's left on her face is a big, dumb grin. She laughs, huskily. "Thanks. Christ, you don't know what I'd give for one of those." Hopping to her feet, she tucks the cigarette behind her ear, hand closed tight over the lighter as she sways to the door. She looks up and down the hallway before closing the door discretely. Then back. "Watch your head." As she leans over to roll up the window Christine's leaning against. She sinks to a seat next to the other student, hand cupped around the lighter as she strokes the flame against the cancer-stick's cherry. There's a pause while she takes a long, satisfied drag, leaning out the window to blow the stream. Then she's looking back at Christine. Her eyes are conspiratorial, hungry - her mouth quirked expectantly. "So.... Ya didn't happen to hide any other contraband in those books, did ya?"

The student’s wide eyes glittered, the light dancing off of the reflective orbs as she peered out the window at the hustle and bustle of the students below them. They were invisible, not one had even glanced in their direction thus far. She watched as they interacted, smiling, laughing, fake- all of them. She lifted the cigarette to her mouth and drew in a large breath, looking back at Elise. Her eye’s surveyed the girl momentarily before saying, “Depends on what you’d consider contraband.” The smoke seeping from her mouth as she did, she spoke quickly and exhaled once finished. “I brought 76 packs. That’s all I could possibly fit without being too conspicuous. My plan was to have my mom send me more after I’ve run out. In the event that, that didn’t work…I mean come on there’s GOT to be at least one teacher here that smokes. I figure pay them off or get on their good side and get a supply from them.” She shrugged, “It’s a long shot, but hell it’s better than nothing.” Christine felt comfortable around this girl, already establishing a bit of trust she felt she could continue. “As far as other ‘contraband’ goes… I’ve got a bit of pot. I didn’t want to raise any alarms first coming here, so it’s a relatively small amount.” She smiled and added. “But its college you know? What’s the point of going if you can’t party a little, even if it is all girls,” She shifted to a more comfortable position as she spoke. “So, what brought you here?”

"A plane. Threat of forced military conscription." The response is curt. In her head, she's running numbers. Her back's against the window, not in the least concerned or interested with the students outside. She taps the filter of the cigarette thoughtfully. Smoke trails out her mouth as she talks. "You know we're sitting on a gold mine here, right? 76 packs of cigarettes, that's gotta make you the richest girl on campus. We could do something with that." Her eyes shine, like the sun reflecting off of the icy surface of a frozen lake. "Christ knows how you got green in here, and that stays, but damn... 76 packs of cigarettes...."

Christine stared at the girl, trying to decide whether her response to the question was accidental or intentional. She brushed it aside as sarcasm and tapped her cigarette against the window pane, watching the ash trail down the length of the building until it was no longer visible to her. She listened to the prospects of the student’s position on the alleged gold mine and couldn’t help but laughing out loud in the middle of the student’s argument. “I brought these here to support my addiction. I’m not interested in supporting the addiction of underprivileged girls at this school that I could care less about. Money isn’t an object. I’ve plenty to my name.” She drew in another toxic breath from the cigarette and expelled it. Christine was grateful for the pause that smoking allowed her. She hadn’t wanted to come across as catty or rude. “However, I like your disposition on the matter. If it comes to wanting extra cash, or even mere boredom, building a cigarette smuggling empire would be an excellent way to pass the time.” She laughed at her own dry humor, extinguishing the cigarette on the outside of the window sill and flicking the filter out of the window.

She chuckles, roughly. She flicks the cigarette out the window, turning to face Chris. "This is prison, baby. Money ain't worth nothing. But a cigarette, it's worth, like, a hundred American dollars." She shrugs. "Just something to keep an eye out for...... So what's your story, huh?"

She nodded approvingly at her genuine insightfulness. She rose from the windowsill and stretched accordingly, causing her white corset-like top to rise over her belly. “My story…Following in my father’s footsteps I’m afraid. He want’s me to major in Business in hopes that I’ll one day join him at his company.” She rolled her eyes. “As for my step father, even though I hate the bastard he told me to pursue my dream. I’m still finishing up my basics, so I have time to change my major if I choose. But-“Her gaze seemed distant. “The instant I change my major, is the instant daddy-dearest cut’s my tuition. I really have no choice. I never really thought about going for my goal in Forensics, so I never took any precautions in registering for grants or scholarships. This leaves me rather dependant on my dad’s money. Money is power I always say.” She shrugged. “I never really wanted to go to a boarding school of sorts. I mean come on; this place is in the middle of fucking nowhere. I challenged him though, asked him if I could change my career prospects.” She smiled at this. “He was absolutely furious.” She paused for a minute looking around the barren room. “So guess what my ‘punishment’ is? An extreme absent of the opposite sex, hard acceptance, rules and policies that are to be strictly followed. You’re right, this place is prison. It’s a conspiracy. A place to send disobedient young adults with the prospects of whipping them into shape, it’s only under the guise of a college foundation. Fucking brilliant if you ask me, they trick you into thinking they’re some renowned facility, but Shokushu, in my opinion, is nothing but a Hell View incarnate.” She paused allowing her conversation to sink in before asking. “What about you? What’s your story?”

She slides off of the bed. Flicking her hair flippantly. The folds of her long, wide skirt fall into place as she steps onto the ground, half-covering her bare feet. The silver navel ring glistens briefly under the light as she turns... turning to inspect the room, but it can't hurt that it means Christine can't see her face when she talks. "It's not so bad when you get used to it, Chris. Hell, I've been in and out of these places for years, and you get used to it." She peers around the door, smirks. She turns her expression over her shoulder at the other girl. "See? We got our own bathroom and everything." A hand through her hair as she disappears through the doorway to look it over. Her voice echoes from the acoustics of the room. "I'm just the daughter of a southern preacher-man. You know how that goes. When I'm not at bible study or choir practice I'm baking apple pies for the upcoming quilting bee." She pauses, and after a moment her head dips around the corner. Her smile's all arsenic. "Okay.... So I lied. It's Hell. But at least we've got a beach, right?"

By this time she’d made her way back towards her luggage. “I think the beach is about the only thing this school has going for it.” Unzipping she pulled out a parcel and tossed it on the bed. She tore open the packaging and pulled out what was to be her fashion statement for her duration at this school. She outspread one of the uniforms on the bed, she sneered at it and pulled out a rather large book, and began flipping through the pages. She yelled over her shoulder towards the bathroom where Elise had entered. “Ah yes, here it is. Listen to this El, isn’t it ridiculous? ‘Any student caught in violation of the uniform policy will be punished as administration see’s suitable. Any alterations, additions, or removal of uniform pieces that is viewed as vulgar, obscene, or inappropriate are in strict violation and the student will be punished accordingly to their crime.’ Bullshit!” She exclaimed. “So I’m supposed to accept the fact that if I just so happen to oppose knee-high socks and a sluttish skirt I’m shit out of luck? They don’t even offer any alternatives to the skirt. Well, aside from Athletics, this is the only uniform available. I mean, weekends we are allowed lounge clothes but we’re still under dress code.” She shook her head and gallivanted over towards the edge of the bed. She took a seat beside the uniform and stared at it in disbelief. The white blouse was nearly see-through; she couldn’t imagine how it had passed school regulation. The skirt, as she had complained about earlier looked too short for her. She scoffed and stood up, her back towards El. Her fingers fumbled at the strings of her top, but in moments the bow at the top had come free. She loosened the strings and the clothing slid down, coming to a stop at her shapely hips. She leaned over grabbing the blouse from her bed giving a rather exclusive view of her pert, breasts before slipping the blouse over her head. Her white Capri pants soon followed, which were thrown carelessly onto the bed. The long blouse came at a stop halfway down her buttocks allowing for some coverage while she slipped down the fabric of the shirt, and pulled up the plaid skirt. After making alterations here and there, tucking and tying, adjusting and lifting she finally turned her attention back towards the girl, who had since then been adding her own additions to conversations since she’d been dressing. The skirt, as Christine had feared, was entirely too high for her long legs. It showed a trace of her firm bottom, and lord forbid if she were to bend over without careful precaution. The blouse, accompanied with the tie took away attention that she was in absence of a bra. Her long pale blond locks were up in a bun at the top of her head, aside from a few stray tendrils that cascaded down her shoulders in soft curls. She’d sat down to neatly unroll the knee-high socks, which had caused the skirt to hike up even a bit higher showing a rather explicit view of her pink and blue lace panties. “What do you think? Look like a sluttish porn star yet? For all the hype about these uniforms they sure know how to rob a girl of any decency. I swear, the headmaster must be some kind of Ephebophile freak.” She said getting up and making her way towards the large mirror in the bathroom. “Oh for fucks sake!” the shout was heard loudly in an echo from the large bathroom, and pierced through the room at an alarming tone. She came back out calmly, obviously realizing that she was making a huge ordeal out of something that was of little importance to the matter. She took a seat on her bed and shook her head.

"Yeah.... well..." She steps back out into the main room, and stops dead in her tracks. Her mouth goes dry, blinking a couple of times. "Jesus Poleslamming Christ..." Jaw dropped. Her eyes stay on Chris as she changes, smirking. "Then again. What's to be self-conscious about, Chris?" She rolls her eyes amiably, flopping backwards onto her own bed. "I mean, it's not like we've got to worry about anyone staring... You know, except for the creepy Yakuza male staff." Her head rolls to the side, to look at Christine through the cracked bathroom door. "Besides, it's perfect weather for those kinds of outfits."

“I suppose. But still I just think it’s an abuse of authority.” She sat down on the barren mattress and looked over at Elise. “Have you gotten your schedule yet?” She inquired yawning. She debated lighting another cigarette, but in the end just tossed the pack on the end table next to her bed.

"Nuh-uh. Haven't registered or anything. Toss me another smoke?" She holds her arm out across her bed to catch it. "The costumes aren't so bad once you get used to 'em. I've never had to wear hooker apparel, but there's plenty of ugly fucking uniforms out there. And, I mean, when everyone else is wearing 'em.... is'not so bad. Just a way for the teachers to figure they're still in charge, you know?" She yawns. "How much stuff do ya got coming in to the dorm?"

Christine grabbed the pack and pulled out two more cigarettes. Lighting hers then tossing the lighter and the cigarette to Elise. “I’m registered for my classes, I just haven’t picked up my schedule yet.” A pause broke across the room as Elise lit her cigarette. Christine exhaled and nodded at the bag at the edge of the bed. “All my stuff there. I’m a light packer, just the necessities. Some DVD’s, my iPod accessories. Some extra clothes. I didn’t bring much because of the costumes and all…I hope the weather stays nice like this all year round.” Christine smiled, she could feel a friendship starting here. She enjoyed it, she’d never had a true friend before, at least, not one she could stand being around. A though occurred to her. “Hey…Were you serious about the cigarette thing and all?” She rolled over onto her side, resting on her elbow. Her other hand resting on her hips, the cigarette erect and billowing smoke into the air.

"Yeah. Well, you're lucky you roomed up with me. You'd just be staring at an unplugged DVD player otherwise." She dragged, tilting the smoke back out the window. "We've gotta find another place to smoke or our room's just gonna smell like my uncle's house." She wasn't looking at Christine before, eyes just lazily staring at the ceiling, but she rolls on her side now, head resting against her arm to grin at the other girl. "The cigarette thing... I was just shooting the shit but... Yeah. Hell. Why not?" She folds her legs behind her, heels pressing against the round curve of her butt, a lazy smile twisting on her face. "I'll be George Jung and you can be Tuna." Her head lolls. She holds the cigarette over herself and out the window. Her head hangs cocked over the side of the bed, blue eyes inquisitive. "What are you hoping to get out of it?"

Christine considered her answer for a moment, casually smoking as she did. “Something to do, besides it’s always nice to have a sense of authority. It really depends how deep we want to go with this. We could do something huge, or we can settle for mediocre, but I warn you mediocre will bore me quickly.” She nodded content with her answer and peered around the room again. Christine hadn’t brought any sheets, pillows, or blankets with her to the island. It hadn’t been on the list of items to bring. She frowned and her eyes searching for a possible location of the additions to her bed. Her eyes finally stopped at the closet and she decided that would be her best bet. She would check it out after she was finished with her cigarette. A silence had fallen over the room, accompanied by the golden rays that penetrated the through the window and danced on the wall in front of the two students. It was calming, and Christine was thankful for it. “Hey!” Her voice was barely above a whisper but full of excitement and question. “Did you see those buildings when you first came in? You know. The ones that were a few miles off the shore?”

"Baby, we can be the kingpins of this campus if you want. I've got big ideas." Fingers drum on the window sill while she casually watches Chris. Smoke trails out her mouth in rings. "I've seen 'em. Weird though. Looks like they're drilling for something out in the ocean."

Ranerak clung to the wall above the window of the dormitory, his fingers clawed, the flesh of his hand hardened to allow them to sink into the stone. In the light of the sun, he appeared as a sable stain upon the white stone building. He smirked to himself at the sickeningly philosophical reference that could be made by this thought. Sable on white...darkness on some young girl's purity. He thought wryly. He had no qualms about staining the young women, naturally not. They were a drug to him, and if that meant they must be stained, then stained they would be. No, it was the frame of mind that such a thought implied that irritated him; he was a warrior. Even with his own honor stripped from him by treachery, he hadn't resorted to some weakling's life afterward, contemplating life and its lessons. He'd left that to those too weak to live the lessons, rather than contemplate and debate them.
He let out a soft chuckle, however, at the idea that a bit of philosophy might have helped the girls below him. They'd opened their windows, and one of them had looked down on the students below. He could practically feel the smirk on her face as she considered them beneath her, both physically and metaphorically. Never once had she thought to look up, seeing what might have been glancing down on her with the same regard. A pity for her. A victory for him. His burning yellow eyes watched the opening intently, however, not wanting to be caught by surprise because of a moment of gloating.
Currently, they were talking about something called ciggarettes. He didn't really understand what they were, but apparently, they were valuable. At least, to the two below they were. He surmised, however, that they were what were producing the acrid smoke rising from below. The small white cyllinders that they held out the window every so often. It hardly mattered, however. The one called Christine had said they were to support an addiction; His addiction had nothing to do with burning small cylinders.
He waited for the moment, however, opting to remain undetected for a moment longer. Though he had no interest in what the two were saying, it was still a bad idea to try and jump in through the opening while the two were sitting right underneath it. It might cause commotion among the other females. A few trying to protect their classmates wouldn't be a problem...but too many, and he'd be swamped under. So he waited for the moment, patiently biding his time until an opportunity appeared before him.

Christine drew the cigarette to her lips. “King Pins…” she said, her eyes seemed blank, her demeanor distant, as they peered out of the open window. A soft breeze whipped the delicate tendrils of hair around her face as she inhaled. The breeze stopped, just as suddenly as it came, and with it’s presence dismissed a new one settled over the student. She suddenly felt anxious, and disturbed. She exhaled the smoke and glanced down at the cigarette nearing it’s end in her fingertips. She extinguished the cigarette against the outside of the window sill and rose from her seat, making her way towards the bathroom. She disappeared for a minute the sound of a flush following behind her. “I had a thought, perhaps we should be more careful where we drop our filters.” Christine had thought perhaps the almost invisible trace of the orange filter on the ground below her might have been the cause of her uneasiness, but for some reason she couldn’t shake the feeling. She returned to the bed where she sprawled out on her stomach, her legs bent at the knee’s and casually waving through the air, the minuscule skirt barely covering her black lace panties. She bundled up and pillow and lay with her head towards Elise. “I know, it just seems odd that they’d be out there you know? Conspiracy perhaps?” She grinned showing her sets of white, straight teeth, obviously perfected with braces in the past. “Maybe that’s where they send all the trouble makers. Lets try not to get too much detention” She winked, her voice was playful and cheery with an almost challenging tone.

"Detention's nothing." She rolls off of her bed. Her back presses against the mattress, legs spread, her bare feet flat against the hard wood of the floors as she pulls her suitcase into her lap. Her face is buried in the bag, digging around. "Bet they're drilling for oil or something. It could be how they make their money. Bunch of old politicians on the board of trustees and I doubt educating young women's at the top of their agenda.... Here we go." She pulls out a small ash tray, turning it over in her hand as she looks it over. She grins ear to ear. "Anyway, if we're gonna do what we say we're gonna do, we could spend the rest of our time here in oil rig detention."

“Hmm, maybe.” Christine furrowed her brow in response, carefully eyeing the ash tray. She almost scolded herself for not having thought of it. “I suppose I can see where you’re coming from. My Dad donates a lot of money to this school, he’s never mentioned anything about oil though.” She nodded to herself thinking. “But it does seem odd that a school would need so much money and not reap any benefits other than bright pupils.” She cast a side glance towards the wall in disgust. She rolled over onto her back and crossed her legs. From perspective of her roommate she was at a profile, therefore the view of her buttocks was avoided. Still, the student was uneasy, and her distress was evident. It had seemed a new silence had drifted over the room, a noise outside the window brought her attention. A loud shout from below, obviously from some of the girls messing around outside. She shifted uncomfortably and asked, “Hey you done smoking yet?” sauntering off the student made her way to the window. “I’d like to close this, I don’t like the cheerful sound of our peers down there.” She rolled her eyes in sarcasm.

Yeah. She feels that silence too. The air's thick, and it's more than the cigarette smoke. The air is dread - halfway caught in some transmutative state - emotional alchemy. She stares at the floor through the ash tray and it looks all gray. She trails it as a lens, up her leg, then shifting to peer at Christine, then the window. Her answer is soft. "Please close the window..." Barefoot, she pads back across the hardwood. The door is cracked, but there's no seeing in from the angle of the bathroom of the bed, just glimpses of elbows and fingers. There's the sound of glasses clanging together, then the running of water. And she talks, finally, hoping some voices can clear that dread in the air. "The food here ain't so bad." It's stupid, it's asinine, but it's something.

Ranerak had slowly been creeping his way closer to the open window. He paused upon hearing Elise's comment. Cursing silently, he realized his hand had been forced, and he no longer had an option in the matter. Now, with the option of stealth gone, there was only one other path that would work; quick entry and neutralization. If they closed the window, he could always break it...leaving a portal through which anyone with half a brain could hear them screaming in terror- or pleasure -once he started. "The best laid plans..." He grumbled, his metallic voice rasping harshly. Two tentacles slid out of his shoulderblades, their ends pointed and hard as spearheads. They sank into the stone of the wall with a "Crunch!" and he swung down, using his momentum to fly through the open window, hunched so as not to break the glass. He looked down and saw that he was sailing, barely, over the head of one of his targets. He cursed again. The situation, however, wasn't irretrievable with a bit of quick thinking...

He landed on the floor in a crouch, making minimal noise, the first two tendrils retracting, two more already growing out of his shoulders. These two new appendages were rounded at the tips and were as soft as flesh. One of the tendrils shot towards the girl near the window, wrapping quickly around her face, covering the area from her mouth to her chin. He congratulated himself on his quick thinking...then stopped, looking around. He didn't know where the other one was at the moment...still, the iminent threat of discovery from outsiders was eliminated for the moment. He used the second soft tendril to close the window, gently, trying to make as little noise as possible. He looked at the student in his grasp, and lifted one finger to his face, a clear gesture to be silent. He had no lips, so mouthing the words would have been quite impossible.

A movement from across the room. There was a partially closed door there. Ranerak had a feeling that he'd just found his missing target. Moving his seven foot frame towards the door, being far stealthier than something his size had any business being, he closed in on the room in which the other student was, second tendril at the ready to grab her as well.

The student was just about to make another snide remark about the food when to her surprise, a massive creature hauled itself through the open window, the window she had been on her way to close. The cruel irony sent a chill down her spine- but a thought occurred to her, perhaps this wasn‘t by chance. Before she had time to issue a warning a long, cold to the touch, tentacle has flattened itself forcefully around her mouth. She saw a motion of silence and was appalled, making grunts and attempted screams through the thick material of the tentacle. However, her mouth was all that was covered. Her only concern was to warn Elise. Her hands flew to her mouth, clawing and pulling at the invasive nuisance. It was stuck rather tight, but her movement was free, she desperately searched for anything, and nearly panicked when she saw the creature creeping towards the door where Elise had been. So her assumption of his spying on them had been correct, that deadly feeling had been a warning. He seemed unaware of her at the moment, his main focus on finding Elise, in a mad rush she took off and jumped on his back, wrapping her long, slender arms around- what she thought to be his neck. In the process of the assault, purposely knocking over a lamp as her tall form was swung around. In order to minimize movement she also wrapped her legs around the thick waist of the creature, pinning them as tightly as she could to his body.

The door, cracked, the angle allowing not a look at her, but a look at the mirror. Here, she's cleaning herself up - adjusting her makeup, quickly brushing through her hair, glass of water in hand. She smooths out her skirt over her legs, turns, freezes... The glass slips from her hand, and in the moment it takes in transit from fingers to floor, her eyes are like two orbs of blue crystal, lost in the moment, briefly missing time. Then the glass hits in front of her bare feet. Water splashes her calves. Glass fractures into a million pieces on the hardwood, and her eyes contract.

"Jesus Cocksucking Christ..." She's backing away, quick now. There's a monster in there. a monster. or an alien. or something. and Christine's mounting it like a bronco. She backs off, pushing the door behind her just as the massive tentacle cracks into it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She's just got a second here, needs SOME sort of weapon. Outside, she can hear them scuffling. She reaches up, ripping the shower rod off of its frame. Testing its weight in her hand, she slides panicked by the door, and she waits.

Her wet palms slip on the cold metal of the rod, knees shaking, shoulders trembling against the plaster behind her. Her heart races like a jackrabbit.

Ranerak was vaguely surprized by the decision of his apparent captive to leap upon him from behind. He went from surprise to irritation as the girl not only began to beat at him, as though that would accomplish much, but also knocked over a standing lamp, which in turn made a loud noise as it hit the floor. He looked up at the sound of a gasp and glass shattering on the floor, and saw his intended victim staring at him from the room beyond. The tentacle intended for her shot forth to claim her...only to slam into the door as it shut. Ranerak uttered a mild curse at this turn of ill luck. It was about to get noisier now, but that wasn't the cause of his irritation. It was merely the fact that he hadn't managed to take both girls at once, silently, without them knowing of his presence til he was ready.

Still, as it was, the situation was fairly easily rectified. He reached one hand up, plucking the girl clinging to his back away as though she were little more than a bit of plastic stuck to him by static. He looked into her eyes, shook his head, and growled. "Foolish girl. Can you not follow a simple order? No matter. She's still well within reach." He drew back one fist, still looking at Christine, and it clenched. One could notice the subtle change in appearance as it hardened, going from a soft sort of reflection of light, as though on wet skin, to a harder, clearer image, in which one could actually see the reflection of the window casting the light. He looked at the door, and slammed his fist through the doorknob...and much of the area surrounding it. "Far noisier than I normally like...but still acceptably efficient, wouldn't you say?"

He drew his fist out from where the doorknob had once been located, and through the gaping hole, the result of his punch, one could see the knob and the cogs of the simple twist-style locking mechanism. They had scattered on impact with the floor, apparently, because none of them were in their original configuration. The wood that had surrounded the knob was barely in evidence at all, nearly all of it having ended up in fragmented, splentered oblivion from the sheer force of the impact his fist had had upon it. He withdrew his hand, spread the fingers, and gave a simple push, opening the door. His entire body took on the hard, metallic sheen of his hand now, and he strode fearlessly into the room, which proved to be a lavatory. He had no doubts that the girl was waiting within, hoping to take him down before he could get to her. It wouldn't happen. He'd make sure of that. He didn't even bother to look around as he strolled in, leaving his other captive outside the room, her mouth still bound by the tendril.

Christine saw her new friend just beyond the door. She watched as the same look of surprised passed the roommates’ face, that she’d experienced not even moments earlier. She gave her a fierce look in return and echoed the sound of the slamming door with a sigh of relief as she continued the assault on their attacker. Various grunts and shouts were heard from beneath the thick tentacle that still plastered itself against her mouth. She clawed, she dug her heels into the creatures thighs, she would have pulled hair if he’d had a sufficient amount.

The student flailed and fought against the creature as she was easily plucked away from his back. Her face flushed a bright pink in the exertion, her hands flew at the tentacle at her mouth, prying at it to free herself. The student paused in her efforts when she saw the creature rear back his fist, her eyes glossy as she watched the massive creature’s fist slam through the door. A muffled scream emitted through the room, the student ran to put herself between the door and the creature, but was met with resistance by the tentacle that still held her. She’d figured the creature had gotten smarter than to just loosely hold her this time around. Her eyes searched through the splintered wood of the door, looking for Elise, but found nothing. She must be hiding on the other side of the door. A depressing thought, how long could she hide? Was there any possible way she could escape and get help? She shook her head, screaming and trying with best efforts to reach the creature and hold him back so he couldn’t enter the room, but her efforts were to no avail. The struggling student had no choice but to watch helplessly as the creature strode into the bathroom.

Hope? The instant I arrived, your hope was lost. By all means, though, keep hoping. I like it when you struggle.

Tue May 08, 2007 2:13 pm
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