Shokushu High School

Ziadera Pliche'
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Author:  Dorei [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Ziadera Pliche'

I have created this character, as a victim and not a SFA

Name: Ziadera Pliche'

Nickname: Zia

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Place of Birth: Cuba

Race: Human

Hair Color: blonde

Eye Color: blue

Skin Tone: Pale

Pubic Hair: None

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 130 lbs.

Background: "I was born twenty six years ago to a woman who didnt want me. Love was never shown to me, and i was given up to an orphanage. The orphanage was rough but it was still better than the house that i had to be brought up in. I was fortunate, I never got picked on, although, one of the youngers did get picked on. It was a rough world and who was i to stop it? No one stopped it for me. I dwelled in the shadows, out of the eyes of the other kids, till I was finally adopted. We were poor, and had no electricity. The man who adopted me, tried to take advantage of me, but I stabbed him. The first time i shredded blood. It excited me. It was what he deserved. The police came after a neighbor called them, since they heard my scream. I was never taught the word thank you so, they never got their gratitude from me. Life moved on, and I was placed in an all girls home. Ha, that didnt last long. Their blood stained my clothes as i walked out into the cold night.

For years i wandered, until a policeman found me. What held my blade from shedding his blood i dont know.but I found out what compassion was. For a number of years, he kept me and loved me. I grew very close to him, and slowly i began to trust him. When i was 18, i joined the police force and loaded my first gun. Not long after, my "father" for all intensive purposes was killed, and I was crushed.

The police chief approached me a few weeks after my father died. "David..was a great man. He was actually working on a team to go into space. He..said that protecting just the earth wasnt enough. We were going to shut it down, but Im leaving it up to you. You are the best female officer we have and, if you would like to lead a team there, we will make it happen." He said softly to me. He trailed off, letting me think about it, though i needed no time to think about it. "Lets go" I said easily. 3 days later, me and my all female team was heading on up. Our vehicle looked like a modified police car, with jets. In chrome, it had my fathers last name tattooed across the side of it. I had decided to name the team after my father. Within a few hour, we were in space, on the way to the first planet.

My team consisted of 5, including me. We had all grown close as the years had progressed. my vice, was in fact, the girl from the orphanage. We had both survived and grown strong. Our destination was a planet a few light years away from Mars. The Pliche', made it an easy and quick ride there. We landed and began our journey. We stayed there three months, and our progress was amazing. These creatures stood almost no chance against us, in the beginning. After the third month passed we were ambushed and attacked. We did our best to fight the monsters off, but they were a bit too much for us. They made me watch, as they slowly killed each of my team. I was forced into slavery. The things that happened to me, I wont say... but im escaped now. that's all that matters.."

This is the life that Zia's former master replaced her memory with. Her real memories are gone for good. Though it is true that she arrived at the planet on a ship with the name 'Pliche' on it along with 4 other females, they were not killed but all separated and suffered the same fate as Zia. Since it is all false, her fighting style is virtually useless, although she did however find a way to kill her former master and escape. So it may be assumed that she does have some training.

Psychological Profile: "I have to survive. There is no time for playing or goofing off. I used to be able to have my back watched but now...they are gone. Its only me now. I have to survive."

Personality: "I dont talk to people. I tend to stay away from peoples reach. Self preservation is the key"

Clothing: "When I first escaped, I only had what my master had given me to wear that day. Nothing, unless we went out, then i was put on a leash. I persuaded (killed) a female of a similar species to me, and her clothes became mine. I am dressed as a proper pet of a master. A white blouse, that is a tad bit long. So I keep it tucked into my trousers which i use my suspenders to hold up. The bow is an added effect, you like?".

Likes: "What do i like? I dont know anymore. I never knew actually. I am told what to like. So as of now, nothing. I dont even like you."

Dislikes: "How do I say that I dislike anything if i dont know what I like?"

Fighting Style: "I learned a form of self defense when I was adopted by my father. Though I never told him what happened to me, he must have saw it in my eyes. I excel in knife combat, though only with humans. A longer weapon is needed for other lifeforms. Either that or a firearm. My favorite firearms would have to be semi-auto handguns. Control and speed is the reason for this. "

Weapons: "Though I prefer semi-automatics, I am lucky to obtain it. Currently I have a small dagger."

(if any thing is missing please tell me.)

Author:  Anna Lenox [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ziadera Pliche'

It would be nice to know more about her, particularly why she qualifies as an alien instead of a human-born agent.

The other thing is, Gelbooru sadly isn't allowing hotlinking for the moment, so if you want the picture to show, you're going to have to find a hosting site to upload it too.

:D But welcome aboard!

Author:  Dorei [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ziadera Pliche'

um, the description said that it allowed for victims for outer space scenes too, so she isnt an alien or agent.

and i will fix that immediately. sorry. but it shows up fine on my computer.

Author:  Elise Renfroe [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ziadera Pliche'

Dorei wrote:
um, the description said that it allowed for victims for outer space scenes too, so she isnt an alien or agent.

oooooh! Well, ;) I see.

and i will fix that immediately. sorry. but it shows up fine on my computer.

I was having the same problem with my Anna pic. When I'd log in and look at her profile, the picture would load just fine, but other people were having trouble seeing it, getting a message about Gelbooru not allowing hotlinking. ;) Then again, it may just be my screwed up computer. Your pic seems to be posting now.

Author:  Dorei [ Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ziadera Pliche'

I should have specified that she was a victim, instead of a SFA so i apoligize for that.

and i changed it to a google image. so hopefully everyone should be able to see it now :)

Author:  Minerva Rocha [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ziadera Pliche'

Well then...we will do our best to send someone to help you out.

Author:  PiaM. [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ziadera Pliche'

Welcome :)

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