Shokushu High School

Luna Umbarge
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Author:  Luna [ Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Luna Umbarge

ADD Agent Bio/Profile Name: Luna Umbarge
Rank: Sarge
Age: 22
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown (blue contacts)
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Pubic Hair: Brown (Trimmed into a strip)
Distinguishing features: glasses (when not wearing her contacts), radiant smile
Height: 5’4"
Weight: 109 lbs
Bust: 34 B
Waist: 22
Hips: 34

Background: At a young age Luna excelled in the sciences. She often preferred books to playing with the other children with the notable exception of Vanessa, a neighbors child that her mother often baby sat. At first she was annoyed at being taking away from her books for a few hours as the younger girl always wished to play with her "big sister".

Eventually Luna warmed to the idea that this was not so bad and she fell into the roll as a playmate during these times. Of course as she aged Luna felt a certain closeness to the girl. They went to the same school though they were in different classes and had been in the same social circles.

Things changed the day the hordes came from the ship that descended. Collecting up all the young girls in the colony Luna was hidden away spared just as a few of the other girls had been.

Vanessa was not so lucky taking prisoner by Ven and his robotic hordes. After the attack Luna joined the ADD lending her assistance in the R&D fields. All she had learned was that a slaver by the name Ven had kidnapped Vanessa. Shortly thereafter Ven was captured by the agent Nail but the slaver was soon extradited before any new information on Vanessa could be discovered.

Now though the slaver has been released and more information has been released about Vanessa. Rumors of where Ven is bringing his current slaves, where he might have brought Vanessa. Wishing to find out such information for herself Luna has become a field agent in hopes of uncovering the truth and possibly dealing with Ven if the situation arises.

Psychological Profile: Luna is driven to stop slavers and uncover what she can about her childhood friend Vanessa.
Personality: Luna is an energetic, yet feisty strong willed woman.
Virgin? Yes Lost to Diva.
Piercing or Tattoos: Ears
Language: English
Likes: Research and Development, Sciences
Dislikes: Robots, Slavers
Activities: Reading the latest updates in scientific journals, Seeking out leads/revenge for Vanessa
Magic? None.
Weapons of choice: Plasma Pistol
Equipment: Knife, Medical Field Kit, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Tool Kit (hacking, slicing, etc.), various assortments of other gear based on the mission
Fighting style: Keeping at range as best as she can to make up for her lack in the strength department not that she's a much better shot but the Plasma Rifle can be more effective at range.
Capabilities: Excels in the sciences and technical skills
Weaknesses: As a newly assigned field agent fresh from the ADD's R&D division she is not the best in the aspects of ranged or hand to hand combat though she's getting plenty of instruction in both between missions. It is her drive to uncover Vanessa that has cropped up once more that has taken her from her place as researcher where she did more good and placed her in the field as she hopes to follow up new leads.

EMI-2 (ship):


Luna's ship is programmed with an artificial intelligence, a program she devise called EMI or EMI-1. The program provides her with some companionship over long missions but is still in the developmental stages seeing that Luna hasn't had to much time to perfect it.

EMI-2 is lightly armed and designed more for speed and maneuverability than anything else. EMI also recognizes the voice commands of it's operator.

Demolitions: A
Fire Arms: C
First Aid: B
General Knowledge (Sciences): A
Hand to Hand: C
Investigation: B
Languages: D
Negiotiations: D
Stealth: F
Technology: A

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