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 Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite) 
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Post Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
Finding a file as thick as a book waiting on her desk was not something a Head Girl looks forward to. It took over an hour of studying the file and what was available on the database to gather everything she could know about the woman named Kite. The lack of a last name already threw Vera's general routine of showing proper respect to even those she was correcting out the window. Ms. Kite may be acceptable though it was hardly the major issue here.

The age listed revealed this was a student who had been on the island much longer than most students and perhaps even most Head Girls. It was possible the woman was still working on her degree as a super senior but that was not the main reason for this longevity. Kite was unstable and had been fighting the school almost her entire time here. The girl even managed to come up with the resources to kill one of the island's guests and was imprisoned in NICE labs to be given more direct forms of correction. Now the woman was part of the student body and thus Vera's responsibility.

The silver haired woman sighed, brushing hair away from her face as she examined a small device. Apparently there ways to keep the woman docile though Kite would be aware of it being used though powerless to prevent it. It would certainly make her life easier to just press this button and correct the matter directly. But that would only lead to more sneaking behind her back and further devious planning. She tossed the device back on her desk as she made the necessary calls to send a basement slip to Ms. Kite.

The rules Kite broke were not ones listed to ordinary students. She was apparently trying to free herself of the device inside her. But the slip would mention nothing of it. Instead it would be matters of violence with other students and property. Of course that would include any damages caused during a monster attack but once again, it was not mentioned.

Vera would already be down in the basement in the room assigned by the time Kite received her notice. The Head Girl would be dressed in her usual immaculate uniform and light blue sash hanging loosely around her waist. The room would be dimly lit with only a single bulb illuminating the center. There was a simple metal table with matching chairs on both sides. In the pitch black shadows, several tools of pleasure, torture, and bondage would be at the Head Girl's disposal. The silver haired woman would remain standing as she waited for Kite to arrive.

Reviewing what she read about Kite, this woman was rather unstable. Usual forms of punishment would be less than effective and reasoning may fall upon deaf ears. This was going to be a troublesome session to say the least. But like all students, Vera would not relent until she satisfied the student had learned her mistakes and corrected them. Only then would Kite be allowed back into the student body. This may very well be a long night for Vera.


Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:07 am
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
The detail in the slip was a nice touch, Kite had thought as she shrugged a dismissive goodbye to the...prefect, she'd called herself? Whoever the girl was who'd delivered the slip. It was somewhat disappointing. She remembered how she'd met so many of those she'd called friends before, nocturnal cackling and brash shouting had provoked things like "whatever you're smoking, share it, bitch!" Rather than skittish terror. Some of them even had shared when it turned out what she was 'smoking' was 11-dimensional high-energy physics equations.

Kite dressed in the standard uniform for the most part, clothing destruction a common activity in the halls below, and she didn't think she could actually reproduce much of her special clothing anymore, the procedures involved released gases which ordinarily one wanted to let dissipate, but if collect-

Kite picked herself up off the floor, wiping her face to cleanse that stain of the small puddle of blood that had oozed from her nose. The words 'disruption logged' hung in one corner of her field of vision with a timestamp. At least if that stamp was right, she'd only lost a few minutes this time. Whether or not her growing used to things enough to be recovering from 'disruption' faster was a good thing or not, she refused to speculate. Still enough time as not to be late.

Kite adjusted her glasses, and she pulled on her gloves as well. Comforting, and not only because she couldn't touch glass without them, but because she knew what each of the two long cuts through the backs of them meant. They couldn't take that away. They could take her symbol, they could take her memories, and in the details, she knew they had done so. But they could not turn back time. Nor raise the dead.

After some deliberation, Kite slung her satchel over one shoulder as well. Notebooks and her mishmash franken-calculator. She was pathologically early for everything, and it wasn't completely inconcievable they'd make her wait until the designated time.

So in the basement's halls, she whistled, a chaotic, musicless tune that she'd accidentally learned annoyed one of the basement's former custodians. One takes what triumphs one can, and though she knew he was long gone from the campus, and knew who he had taken with him on his departure, it was an ingrained habit she saw no reason to resist, and so still was whistling when she rapped with the back of her hand upon the appointed door, seven minutes before the appointed time.

A doll and an alien walked into a convention. We brought gundams.
kite's student profile - A less than stable grad student. Kitten, calculator, killer, which is the third wheel?
Warm Dark - We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of rape
Special Agent Delivery - An intensely customizible package

Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:59 am
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
The sound of persistent whistling sound the arrival of the student in question. The whistling grew closer and closer until a light tap came to the door. "Come in," Vera invited the woman, the door already unlocked, "You are early, Miss Kite. Please close the door behind you and have a seat." Vera waited patiently for the woman to comply and have a seat before sitting in the chair across from her. "My name is Vera Matsumoto. I understand you have been out of... commission for some time so I shall inform you of my position. I am known as a Head Girl, I oversee the students and do everything in my power to ensure order is maintained on campus. You are here, Miss Kite, because you have decided to break those rules and create unnecessary chaos here in Shokushu. You will remain down here until I deem you fit to return to the student body or find you are incapable of returning and sending you to the staff to find a suitable method of correction for you."

Kite's aura was a flickering rainbow. Chaos was an accurate word to describe the sight and feeling Vera's empathic senses were picking up. If this woman was as unstable as the files claimed, she had to wonder why NICE even bothered to release the woman in the first place. It was possible they just assumed pressing a button to make her obedient would be suitable but that was merely putting a pan underneathe a leaking roof rather than fixing the cause of the leak itself.

Vera was calm and collected, speaking to the woman infront of her as if in a formal meeting in an office. Even if this woman was a violent troublemaker, she would treat each student in this basement equally lest they choose to change that. "The rules here are simple, Miss Kite," the Head Girl continued, "You listen and comply and this matter will be resolved quickly. If you decide to remain rebellious then your stay here will be lengthened accordingly. Do I make myself clear?" Vera would wait for an answer before continuing. "The standard school uniform does not include gloves. If you do not have a medical reason for wearing them and are not attending a lab, I must ask you to remove them please. I must also ask you if you know what rules you have broken that led you down here? It is important that we are both on the same page before continuing."


Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:39 am
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
Dry, clinical, sterile. Familiar type of tone. To one side, anyway. Interesting. Kite complied with taking the indicated seat and listened to what sounded...not a practiced speech, but an efficient one, worn to the bone from repeated use.

"i see, Madam." The word was chosen deliberately, and Kite's tone, despite how clipped and mechanically precise each word was, made it clear she was not using it in the honourific form. "Out of commission...what a novel way of describing it."

Kite did not hesitate to make and hold eye-contact with Vera, the basement held neither fear nor intimidation for her. "i always listen, Madam. Compliance, however, is based on entirely different protocols. My gloves serve no diagnosed medical purpose, but experimental evidence" that slight stressing of the words, flickers of memory, she did not do these experiments, they were done to her, "suggests that i and everyone near me are safer if i wear them. Fragile things break less often when i do. Removing them would invite unnecessary risks." Kite makes no motion to remove them, though confirmation of the instruction would be complied with. Few anchors are tied to but one thing.

"As to the rules i am aware of, i am uncertain what in particular i am here for. While i made some threats to other students, those which went beyond threats i ensured to permit them three strikes or attempted strikes before...replying. Misappropriation of school property is a simple enough charge, though i must say i'm used to it being much more volatile materials," Kite pauses mid-sentence, obviously expecting something to happen, then continuing when it does not, "than molding silicone and iron filings that i've stolen for someone to care. And really, the training weights are much healthier with the modifications, since they won't slip anymore they're far more suited to aerobic work than they were previously."

"That, of course, operates under the preassumption that why i am here is related to what was on that slip. Is that the case, Madam?"

A doll and an alien walked into a convention. We brought gundams.
kite's student profile - A less than stable grad student. Kitten, calculator, killer, which is the third wheel?
Warm Dark - We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of rape
Special Agent Delivery - An intensely customizible package

Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:44 am
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
Kite either had trouble focusing on a single topic or she considered everything she did a possible rules infraction. In this students case, that was probable. If the silver haired woman was insulted by the student's tone, she did not show it. The fact Kite made an effort to use the term Madam was certainly more than what other students did down here. Whether the woman fears her or not was irrelevant as she was making no attempts to intimidate the woman though other students may feel otherwise. The fact of the matter was Kite was down here for a reason and Vera is expected to resolve the issue.

"If there are other rules you believe you have broken or crimes you have commited that are not listed, this is your opportunity to speak up, Miss Kite," Vera replied calmly, "It would certainly save me and the school time calling you down here multiple times if you come clean with all your wrong doings here and now. You need not worry about breaking anything fragile in here and therefore there are no unnecessary risks to be concerned about. Please remove your gloves."

She would wait for the woman to comply or voice her complaints to her request before continuing. "Multiple strikes or not, you are not to threaten or harm other students, Miss Kite. If you are having issue with certain members of the student body, report them to a Prefect, Head Girl, or staff member. If it is an issue with a Prefect, you may report them to me. I know there are a number of Prefects who's Head Girl are currently off dealing with other duties. Some of them tend to forget what they are supposed to be doing without supervision." Vera only had a single Prefect on duty leaving most of the leg work for her to do. With the other Head Girls either retired or indisposed, this only adds more to the woman's workload.

"Whether the items you took were volatile or not, the rules are there for a reason," she added, touching on the final thing Kite mentioned, "There are proper channels and people to go through and speak to get the supplies you need. If more sensitive materials are required, you can make requests and explain why you need them for whatever labs or experiments you are working on. If you have questions or concerns about such things, I am always available to answer questions. That goes for any of your issues, Miss Kite. I keep an open door policy here on Shokushu though few take advantage of it."

"Now, you hinted that your slip had left things out. Are there things you wish to confess to, Miss Kite?" Vera said, maintaining eye contact with the other woman, "I can assure you that I can be more lenient towards students who are willing to help themselves and clear their record."


Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:34 pm
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
No reaction? How odd. Or perhaps not. But then, 'Madam' as the proprietress of a brothel was rather uncommon usage in the modern world, so for her doing so to go unnoticed is not entirely surprising. A small, tight, sadistic smile that flashes briefly on Kite's face but just as quickly fades back into the cold mask of mechanical calm as the Head Girl reiterates the instruction to remove the gloves. Not that her attempts to mask her emotions mean anything, though the surge that brought that smile makes things clearer in Kite's aura... there is not one aura of emotion within her, but three, each warring for supremacy, and one of them is quite eager for many of the myriad meanings of the gloves coming off. "Time, Madam, is the resource which appears to be most plentiful in this menagerie." quick, even tugs, the right glove is removed and lain facedown on the table in front of Kite, "This is, after all, my hundred and fifty-seventh disciplinary session, if none of those memories have been excised. It may be more. i suspect you would know more accurately than i, Madam."

Some struggle is visible as Kite attempts to remove the left glove, and she cannot manage it until she breaks eye-contact with Vera to focus more completely on removing it, laying it on the table as well, her arms moving jerkily as she lays them palm-up on the table either side of the palm-down gloves, exposing fully the tattoo of a sheathed katana running the inner length of her left forearm, and what appeared to be a wax seal holding it closed, which the file in Vera's possession would doubtless have mentioned as a NICE Labs addition to her 'decoration', the reason why she could no longer draw and wield that sword, and instead why the hilt tattooed into her left palm was surrounded by scarring consistent with digging at herself with her fingernails.

The mask is cracking as Kite speaks again. Her voice is still controlled, but her eyes and mouth twitch as they try to form self-contradictory expressions. "i will defend myself to the fullest of my abilities whensoever i find myself attacked, Madam. If it holds some meaning to report the incidents afterward, i can do that. But the Path prohibits surrender to an aggressor."

While speaking, and listening, Kite grows more and more agitated, though at Vera's last, she seems to calm. Or, someone does. The twitching stops, though her face twists into a feral grin, and her voice changes as well, taking on what can only be called a mongrel accent. "Innit trying ta help myself that's why i'm down here, Sinjorino? Ey don't like that i'm feeling out the walls of my new prison. FUCK!" This last scream comes as Kite slams her head forward against the table, and does not lift it as she speaks again, once more the clipped and almost mechanical tones. "i am sorry for that, Madam." Kite grinds her teeth. "i would very much like to say that it will not happen again. But that would be a lie. And lies are Wrong."

A doll and an alien walked into a convention. We brought gundams.
kite's student profile - A less than stable grad student. Kitten, calculator, killer, which is the third wheel?
Warm Dark - We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of rape
Special Agent Delivery - An intensely customizible package

Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:23 pm
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
"Irrelevant," Vera replied, "Whether plentiful or not, I will not have mine wasted." Apparently unstable was an understatement as the aura was always split evenly in three colors that clashed against one another. If the woman was truly insane with some sort of mental disorder, the only course of action would be sending her back to NICE labs and letting them decide what to do with her. Letting someone who cannot even control herself would only put the rest of the student body in danger and cause potential harm to future slaves. Such outcomes were generally frowned upon here in Shokushu.

But, at least the woman removed her gloves. Unfortunately, Kite was taking the rest of the information less favorably. Vera did not care about the Path as it was only some personal code that puts the rest of the student body in danger. It was also rather foolish at least from what little she has heard of this code. Before she could respond to that though, Kite apparently went off her rocker again as she changed language and tone only to slam her forehead into the table before apologizing. Vera did not find the apology very convincing. Why exactly did NICE labs think it was ok to let this woman go like this?

"Many things you are doing are wrong, Miss Kite," Vera replied, "One of which is calling me Madam. You will call me Miss Matsumoto from now on. As for your Path, I will make it very clear. Your Path is endangering the students of this school. If you cannot handle your aggressions, your Path will simply end here. It is also apparent that you are less than stable. Whether this is intentional or not, I cannot say. But if you cannot get a handle of your sanity, I will deem you unfit to remain part of the student body and request that you be sent to NICE labs for counciling."

The Head Girl folded her hands infront of her as she gazed at the other woman. "In your many disciplinary actions, I am certain you are aware of what is in this room and are perhaps personally familiar with many of the tools used to correct students," Vera began, "I do not intend on using a single one on you. If after that many actions you have not learned what is expected of you and willing to comply, it is doubtful me wielding such tools will do any better. Instead, we will talk. Or rather, you will talk. As I said before, I am your only means out of this room. If you are unfit to return to class, I will have you sent elsewhere. But, perhaps that is what you are looking for? No more class, no more other students, you can just spend the rest of your time in the labs and fighting within yourself all you like. So if that is your wish, continue to speak out of turn and refuse to compromise your limited Path. But if you do wish to return to class and remain a student, I suggest you think very hard on how to convince me that you are not some unstable violent woman. I do not care if the labs have provided means of controlling your impulses. This school raises students, not machines or drones so I shall treat you as such. Do I make myself clear, Miss Kite?"


Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:07 am
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
"Their 'counselling' is what did this to me, Miss Matsumoto." Kite laughs bitterly, slowly raising her head. Her expression is on of agony, but nothing to do with her impact to the table, hers is the face of one who knows she is prey, "Made 'me' into 'us'. Stole my fire. i was stable, before they cut into me and made me something else."

"May i put my gloves back on, Miss Matsumoto? The...other one is easier to contain when i wear them. She is the 'unnecessary risk' i spoke of earlier."

Then sudden snarling, "i'm as 'necessary' as you are, masino!"

Clipped again, "Correct, neither of us are necessary. You however are a risk, and are not helping!"

After several deep breaths, it seems the clipped one is still in control. "The Path itself endangers no one but this place's 'clients,' Miss Matsumoto, unless they attack me. Those students who i have damaged did so, my threats were intended to warn them off from picking a fight, and failed in this. As you are no doubt aware, i am more dangerous than i look. If you believe there to be some marker i could wear that would officially inform the belligerently jeuvenile that they really don't want to pick a fight and so dissuade such activity, i would be happy to do so. The other one too, most likely. Despite her bloodlust she derives no satisfaction from an opponent she can simply overwhelm. Unless there are still others who spent years practicing improvised-arms combat or formal martial arts still present on campus, she is unlikely to actively seek combat save against non-humans."

Another interjection, "Blow a goat, masino. Oh wait-"

"Yes, yes, i already have. Four-hundred-eighty-six times, and still not funny. If you shut up long enough that we can avoid going back to -that-," the word brings a terrified shudder from all three auras, obviously, Kite refers to more sinister things than the other's poor humour, " shall i prepare a cake for your half-thousandth?" Kite finally makes eye contact with Vera again, with concealment out of the question, her more honest emotionality shows that at least this one does want help, if such could be possible. "She usually only comes out for actual violence. But previous visits here have had quite a bit of that, so she is...anticipatory."

"If i had any idea what they wanted from me, Miss Matsumoto, then i could have some idea what to do. i am well aware of my ultimate fate, Miss Matsumoto, in general, if not the specific, and that they have thoroughly insured that there is nothing i can do to change it unless i were to undertake self-neurosurgery. i used to dedicate myself to making it easier for those i cared for here to accept what was happening to them. To provide what comfort or protection i could, temporary and futile though it might be. But they have all been sold. And i remain."

"They have severed every last anchor with which we kept the madness at bay. Methodically, deliberately, and only once all were gone did they remove me from that hell, and return me to this one. What, then, would you have me do?"

A doll and an alien walked into a convention. We brought gundams.
kite's student profile - A less than stable grad student. Kitten, calculator, killer, which is the third wheel?
Warm Dark - We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of rape
Special Agent Delivery - An intensely customizible package

Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:45 am
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
Vera's eyes narrow slightly at the mention of sensitive information. Apparently someone in NICE thought it be amusing to let her keep that knowledge while letting her go bonkers. The Head Girl certainly did not agree with it but she would not dare assume to know every working of the labs. It was not her place to know and the given instanity was enough to convince students to not believe this woman. It must be absolute torture knowing the island's secret and not a single person would believe her.

"Threats are one of the fastest ways to create conflict, Miss Kite," Vera responded, "If you truly wanted to protect those students from yourself, you would have walked away. But no, you decided to follow your Path which is currently causing more harm than anything else to the student body. If you cannot control this urge towards violence when provoked, then you will have to be restrained. And I will certainly not tolerate any improvised weapons being made to fight your inner demons, Miss Kite."

"You say you helped other students in the past until their graduation," the Head Girl continued, "Your actions contradict that. People have taken notice of who you try to protect. This school protects you from those people but those who graduated no longer have that protection. Your resistance and attempts to harm them by following your Path gives them reason to take their aggressions out on those who already graduated. You say you helped them and yet every improvised weapon you created has caused more harm to them than if you had just left them ignorant and alone. Or perhaps you did not really care about those you protected and merely discard them after they are no longer in your life. But whether you care or not, it is happening. You resist, the retaliation that should have gone to you is going to them instead."

She will let Kite decide who exactly those 'people' are. Even if this woman claims she knows the truth, Vera was not about to risk her own life by saying too much. She could not even claim what she just mentioned as true. But it was possible that 'known' customers of Shokushu may come more often and if they know this woman, they could take out their aggressions on their slaves instead. The details did not matter, it was merely a foothold in this discussion. This one wanted to help students despite her instability. Vera was simply informing the woman or women that her actions were going against that wish.

"You are not alone," Vera added calmly, "I see three people infront of me struggling to find themselves. I do not know if the labs are at fault for this but if they are a cause, seeing them again of your own free will may put you in their good graces again. As of right now, two of you are fine being peaceful but one has decided that violence is the proper course of action. This violence has escalated to the point of stealing and misusing school property and will not be tolerated. There are better and safer ways to let one's own aggressions out."

"There is one other solution but I refuse to take it," she continued, "And it disappoints me that you failed to mention all your wrong doings despite giving you an opportunity to reveal everything and be corrected, Miss Kite. I know of your... addition the labs have given you. I know what it does and I know you have been tampering with it. Miss Kite, that device is to ensure the safety of the students you wish to help and protect. That device also holds an alternative should it be needed. With a flip of a switch, I can make you docile and obedient. But I refuse to use such methods. I think you would agree that you want to think freely and make your own decisions... all three of you. I believe the same thing. I wish to help the students sitting before me, not robots or drones. But, if you do not think you can keep your aggression in check, you merely have to ask me to press the button and I will do so. But know that doing so means you are admitting defeat to the third part of yourself."


Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
"Your protection is a lie, Miss Matsumoto. Or do they no longer practice temporary dismemberment as discipline here? My flesh is of little concern to me. For rape to pay for my daily bread has been my lot long before i came here and joined the illustrious ranks of harlots to the stars. My inner demons are not the problem, and you know this, if you know of that device."

"Did you know they made me help design it for them? My mind enslaved as a terminal to some vast computer? My mind is still choked with the infinite shrapnel of fragmented files which were scattered across many such 'terminals,' they spoke of this, laughed about it during the final demonstration of what you call my 'addition.' "

"The labs will not make me whole again. Whole, i was too dangerous to sell, someone would try to hold the school liable if i escaped and killed my purchaser, just as my sisters and i killed the one who sought to steal us. Ignorant? How 'ignorant' is someone already being violated? Perhaps you can hear the screams of innocence dying and walk away, in fact, given your position, i am certain that you can."

"But i cannot. Two of me will always try to give aid when i find someone being raped, which is all too common here. As you doubtless know, and will just as certainly deny, Miss Matsumoto. The third has no volition to do anything under its own power, and so does not count."

"If here they are hopeless and alone, Miss Matsumoto, then what can they have out there? What reason to seek anything but death upon the discovery that their homes and families will fade from memories to dreams to long-forgotten prayers? If no one will even try to protect them here, what hope can there be after?"

"i have neither of these things to mourn. i have never had innocence to lose. i was born trash, i have lived as a whore, and i will die a slave. Not a bad bit of progress given where i started."

"You are wrong, Miss Matsumoto, to see three people sitting before you. We are but shards of what once was. There is a fourth as well, which they ripped from our body, and twisted into the very evil we fought. We can feel her moving around sometimes as well. It is my suspicion that their goal is to push for but one more shattering, as whichever of the other two someone is interested in buying, she is doubtless of greater value with a base-4 supercomputer bootstrapped to the back end. i wish to think, the other one wishes to fight, and the third wishes only for orders to follow. In some ways we look forward to our sale. To be a piece of expensive, and therefore in some fashion valuable property is quite a large step up from being a motorized semen receptacle. Whatever my buyer does with me, i'll have that they paid for the priviledge."

"You tell us repeatedly our Path is flawed, Miss Matsumoto, but we can see no other. They stole our flame, sealed our blade, and yet did nothing about the infinite fury that drove them both to exist. The Masters of this place surely want me to fight someone, Miss Matsumoto!"

"i would like to note at this point that the other has held back because she believes if she does so that i will become sufficiently enraged as to assist her in attacking you. i believe it is important to note that this has not occurred."

"As to the device, you make it sound as though we have opened our skull and gone poking around. Perhaps wedged a circuit-sniffer up our sinus cavities on an endoscopic camera? We have just thought, Miss Matsumoto. Just thoughts. And its false positive rate on triggering is rather high, the 'disruption' some half hour or so before our arrival here was thinking about building a corset. No spring-loaded knives, Miss Matsumoto, nor ampoules of nerve-gas, nor explosive charges. Just something shiny to wear for that 'consentual affectionate sex' thing which i dearly hope is not so rare in the rest of the cosmos as it is here."

"i ask again, Miss Matsumoto, and need an answer. If we are to turn aside from the Path that has kept us alive for so long, what Path would you put in its place? For we must have some Path to follow."

A doll and an alien walked into a convention. We brought gundams.
kite's student profile - A less than stable grad student. Kitten, calculator, killer, which is the third wheel?
Warm Dark - We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of rape
Special Agent Delivery - An intensely customizible package

Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:26 pm
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
"There are no such practices in this school, Miss Kite," Vera replied, whether they were true or not she did not know. But such acts were never good for business, "It was your own actions that led to you being dangerous enough for the labs to take action. Whether your fragmented mind remembers or not is a non-issue. They can make you whole again but that would require you to prove that you are not a danger to them. Your previous actions have proved that you are against them and the school. Have you ever considered how you seem to find these encounters 'all too common', Miss Kite? It is because of your Path. It is because of your desire to protect. They do it infront of you to force you to take action and in turn fail to further cement their hold on the students they find. Your Path is not saving anyone. It is not giving anyone hope. It is doing the opposite. You have merely became an alternate means for your little demons to toy with you and your supposed prey. If you truly want to protect them, then you will leave them ignorant while quietly making them naturally more obedient. I cannot promise every guest is the same but it is a safe rule to follow, resistance is punished and obedience is rewarded."

It was still uncomfortable that a student knows this much and Vera had half a mind to just report this matter directly to higher. Yes, she was a slave to a Headmaster but that did not mean her words fell on deaf ears. Head Girls were not just pretty bodies to fuck but intelligent and proficient women to further support the school. The last thing she needed was her own device to activate on a supposed 'false positive' she did not take this position to shorten her lifespan.

"The rules are very clear on who you can and cannot fight and what tools are aloud, Miss Kite," Vera continued, "I do not like repeating myself but, you are here because you fought against students and misappropriated school property. I do hope that is clear. As for your useless Path, why ask me? Are you claiming you are willing to listen and obey my suggestions? What of your other selves? Will they comply? It is useless for me to offer you a new Path if you have no intention of following it. Furthermore, for me to provide you a new Path, I must know what it is you three want. At this point, you are logged as a single student so I do not care if you three choose to come to an agreement or choose to end this in conflict. I want this matter resolved in a way so there is no one hundred and fifty-eighth session. So tell me, what is you want out of this? What does following your Path give you that makes it worth harming other students?"


Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
"i believe i mentioned already that i always listen, Miss Matsumoto. But i cannot promise to follow a Path i cannot see. The Path of No Regrets offers us surety, and purpose. Its goal is its name. If you can offer us a New Path which better fulfills these goals, that better permits us to perceive ourselves as acting with morality and possessing utility, then yes, we will follow it."

"Without materials, i can build nothing. If i cannot occupy us, she goes hunting. Yes, i am well aware that it is what i previously built that is why they deny me the most basic or innocuous materials through proper channels, but surely they ought to know what is happening given that they receive logging of our every thought."

"She will have her glut of violence. So long as we are on this campus, that is assured. We need only stroll through the woods for her to drink her fill. But i need to be useful for something more than just sex. Why ask you, Miss Matsumoto? Because you are the first to suggest that there could BE a Path other than to fight on edlessly even knowing that i will lose. The 'reward' i know for obedience is to lay in the dirt with some scraps of soiled currency, and to know that i am less than nothing."

"They will never make me whole again, no matter what i do, Miss Matsumoto. The flame and the blade both exist purely for combat, if they were to return those to me, it would be at cost of taking everything else, to what purpose, i do not know, but surely not one to be found here."

"You know, Miss Matsumoto, i am certain you know. Whether you ever sunk so far here yourself, or just get to see it all around you here, whaty it is to feel oneself seen as nothing more than a self-delivering set of orifices. i will be more than that, by any means necessary. But i can only see one Path. So yes, if you can show me a better one, Miss Matsumoto, then we will gladly follow."

A doll and an alien walked into a convention. We brought gundams.
kite's student profile - A less than stable grad student. Kitten, calculator, killer, which is the third wheel?
Warm Dark - We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of rape
Special Agent Delivery - An intensely customizible package

Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:28 am
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
"You already said that this was an improvement from where your life originally was, Miss Kite," the silver haired woman replied, "You are also not less than nothing, no student here is. You have made a number of accomplishments and you certainly could do so again. But you have lost focus. You only care about lashing out in a violent matter. You make assumptions to justify your violence when you do not have a clue of the process this school goes through. You may know Shokushu's purpose but do not claim you know any more than that. You need not worry about the others and what they feel on the matter. This school does all in its power to make the transition as smooth and painless as possible. Some learn to love it and some even prefer it to their previous lifestyle. It is unfortunately like any student leaving college, some find a good life and others do not."

"But if you think graduating is the end of your life and you wish to live your current life to the fullest, you may do so as long as it does not damage school property or put any students in danger. There are certainly numerous sports and clubs you may participate in. There is always something here that can help stimulate your own gifts beyond sex. A minor adjustment to your current Path could certainly be more suitable to your continued stay on campus," Vera rose to her feet and stepped into the darkness briefly. The sound of running water could be heard before the Head Girl returned with two cups of water, she sets one over near Kite and kept the other for herself. They had been speaking for sometime afterall.

"The issue with your Path is simple. You are harming students, that needs to stop. You are stealing or otherwise taking school property for your own conflict, that needs to stop. You may resist the guests on the island if you wish and infact, most prefer it. But, you are not to craft weapons. Living without regret is fine and may be beneficial if you choose to work for the school again. You can console the other students and make them feel more comfortable knowing that their future will be that of servitude. Know that interupting a guest while they are having their fun only causes more harm to the student and yourself. Most students here produce mental blocks to forget such events. You need not worry, guests here have their own rules. They are not to seriously harm or kill students here. Have no regrets, Miss Kite. Follow the rules and obey, help the students with their transition and stop creating unnecessary chaos. You can follow these rules without any regrets as you are helping these students more than constantly lashing out at them."

Vera brushed hair back behind her shoulder as she took a sip of water. "If you require an outlet for your aggression and creativity, I may be able to find tasks for you to complete. But that is up to you and your ability to contain your urges for more appropriate times. I understand if you prefer to stay away from myself and the staff after your ordeals. But if you want us to stay away from you, you must follow the rules. Change your Path to something that works with the school and you can continue with your time here with no regrets or worries whatsoever."


Sat Dec 15, 2012 1:04 am
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
Kite is silent as she listens to Vera, barely even breathing. If the single bulb is enough, Vera will be able to see her lips moving as she argues with herself under her breath, though lipeading would be of no help, the words are in no language knows outise her head. But the turmoil in her aura has taken a different tone. The so-far hidden third is active, or at least acting upon the other two.

Kite does not reach for the water, though her eyes alight upon it as she licks her hips, which remain dry. Unsurprisingly, being told to accept that what she has built her life and worldview around is wrong is more than difficult.

"Yes, Miss Matsumoto. If i may be of use in some way, i would appreciate such utilization. i will not attack other students if it can be avoided. You already know i can no longer create weapons beyond what is immediately available. i will cease attempting to circumvent the device and cease pilfering supplies if some form of legitimate channel is once more available. If it would be appropriate, i will sub-" she breaks off, an obvious internal struggle brought on by her poor choice of words in the view of one of her, "i will -present- my ideas for projects to you for analysis, as i am well aware that the existing channels will reject any proposal with my name on it." There is both less tension and less hostility in Kite's eyes. But then, she always knew her fight was futile. So her gratitude for an alternative is entirely genuine.

It takes Kite several long moments to reach for the water, her hand inching toward the cup as though in her eyes it were some kind of dangerous animal or trap. Once her right hand closes upon it, she drinks suddenly, in a few quick, desperate gulps, before panting out, "Thankyou, Miss Matsumoto. ...Perhaps this is why they felt now was the time to return me to the island."

A doll and an alien walked into a convention. We brought gundams.
kite's student profile - A less than stable grad student. Kitten, calculator, killer, which is the third wheel?
Warm Dark - We are here to protect you from the terrible secret of rape
Special Agent Delivery - An intensely customizible package

Sat Dec 15, 2012 3:59 am
Profile YIM WWW
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Post Re: Teaching an Old Cat new Tricks (Kite)
To an outsider, things would almost appear normal in the conversation. But Vera could see the conflict before her eyes. At least the aura was no longer uncomfortable to look at or feel. The Head Girl certainly did not like being direct on matters about the island with anyone besides the staff and other Head Girls. The silver haired woman was still breathing and her heart continued to beat which is a good sign but she would like to get away from sensitive topics if possible.

She was slightly shocked by Kite's acceptance. Then again, this woman knows enough to understand how futile it is to fight against the system. The outcome was not entirely perfect as no doubt the Path was still having some influence. But the issue with conflict with other students may have a proper outlet in the future. That would all depend on who path this woman decides to take with the knowledge she had available. Though a Head Girl, most information was on a need to know basis. She did not know the woman developed anything for NICE labs and was uncertain how close she worked with them. If they truly turned on her and shattered her mind, would she really trust a Head Girl who works directly under the Headmasters?

Most who are called into the basement were corrected through forms of punishment and reward. With Kite, this seemed to more a negotiation. But, it was either this and produce a possible ally or punish the woman to little effect and be seen as the enemy. "I expect you to make an effort to avoid these confrontations. If I find you here for the same issue, I will be most displeased, Miss Kite," Vera said calmly not as a threat but as a mere fact. "Tending to the needs of students is part of Head Girl's duties though most do not take advantage of that. I will look at any requests and ideas for approval. I certainly would not mind hearing of your projects in the future. But I am certain you understand that I cannot let everything pass if it proves too dangerous or there is a lack of resources."

Kite finally gulped down the cup of water as if she just found it in the middle of a desert. The unstable woman even thanked her for it though she could have been thanking Vera for more than that. "Hmm? What do you mean, Miss Kite?" Vera asked about the final comment made.


Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:22 am
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