Shokushu High School

Where ravaging tentacles explore the female student body

The Perils and Adventures of Spacegirl


The following lists some of the basic equipment available to a senior ADD agent. Specialized items are requisitioned as needed and certain items remain classified for security.


Spaceship Miyaki

Standard ADD Agent issue scoutship. Approx. 120' long. Fittings incude separate bedroom, galley, gravity shower, combined living space and control area. SpaceGirl is believed to have trained the onboard computer to respond to the name 'Miyaki'. SpaceGirl also wears a plain gold-band bracelet which allows her to communicate with her ship from a distance of up to 50 kilometres.


Spacegirl's bike - Click for full size

Transported in the hold beneath spaceship. Standard ADD Agent issue for use where less conspicuous transport is not available.


Looking like a normal pair of sunglasses, this item acts like a HUD, registerning heat and movement.


Extremely thin and braided into hair so as to be invisible. Has a safe handling area of approx. six inches at each end and is activated by fingertip control. Operates on the molecular level, not so much cutting as de-bonding the molecules of anything it comes into contact with.


Concealed behind fingernails and brought out by holding hand in a precise position. Razor-sharp blades for close combat.


Small lockpicks concealed in synthskin pouches in each wrist. Exposed by holding wrist in a specific position. Good for most manacles.


Three strings of twenty micro-bombs braided into hair. Activated by fingertip control.
One string comprise explosives designed to react with most atmospheres by initiating a micro-atomic reaction. Should not be used when within blast radius of twenty yards.
String two comprises smoke bombs. Good for an area not exceeding 5,000 cubic metres.
Final string comprises crash-bombs. Designed to disorient the unsuspecting by a combination of bright light and a loud sound.


Suicide pill concealed below right armpit. Activated by three hard pinches precisely timed. Feeds powerful poison into bloodstream.