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 Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko) 
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Komiko looks around the larger cavern hoping she could find something that would director or lead her into the cavern that would be holding the secret library. Komiko sighs as she continued to explore the dark cave. “Where is this library at?” Komiko asked nobody sounding slightly frustrated as she moves to the back of the cave hoping to find another passageway that would lead to the treasure she was seeking.

Komiko slowly examines the walls as her brows come together there was what looked like raw silver in its blackish form that some would think nothing of it, but with the right chemicals one could extract the silver they wanted. “Wow this cavern is a geologist gold mine, I wonder if the school knows about the riches they have here?” Komiko said as her finger tips brushed the raw silver.


Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:10 pm
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Slimer watches as she examines the cavern making her way closer and closer to the downward sloping tunnel of carved rock. She stops and examing a vein of silver running through the darker rock. He debates in his head on making his presence known by surprising her and whispering that it is down the tunnel, but holds back as her delicate fingers trace the unmined ore. She must be well read to recognize the valuable ore trapped inside the rock, although Slimer was curious at the value these humans placed on things like silver.

Strangely enough they used the precious metals they find and use it in unmagical adornments. To use the precious mineral in ship building, magical artifacts, or chemistry creations was one thing, but useless trinkets mostly meant as momentos seemed a little strange to him, but he was not one to judge other species. Especially ones that produced sexually driven creatures like these wonderful human females. So he simply watched and admired her from the shadows, her short skirt displaying her lovely toned legs, and the way her fingertips traced over the hard rock. He could only imagine those lovely hands running over other things.



Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:32 pm
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Komiko chewed on her lower lip and notice the tunnel leading further down within the cavern. “I wonder if that’s the tunnel to the hidden library that scroll in that book mentioned?” Komiko asked herself pulling out the copy she had made of the parchment she found dropping her bag on the ground and shined the flashlight on the page she had made of the scroll. “Hmm doesn’t seem to mention the exact location.” Komiko said to herself bending down to pick her backpack she dropped and started down the tunnel hoping it would lead somewhere that held the tome the scroll spoke of.

Komiko finger brushed along the tunnel as she felt the texture change from rough to very smooth, she stopped and looked at the surface and smiled seeing how the abrupt change in texture was a clue that this place was the right track to the library. “Polished smooth surface… I have to be on the right track now.” Komiko giggled as her pace down the tunnel quickened hoping to reach the library soon before darkness fell outside. Komiko didn’t fancy the idea of heading back to the campus in the dark, even though she hadn’t told anyone other then Pia about the monsters on the island, she feared that she would run into one in the dark.


Sun Aug 07, 2011 1:58 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
As she rounds the corner of the enterance her hand misses stroking his erect cock by inches, but he knows patience will reward him yet again. Her words inspire confidence that she has accepted the bait, and soon she will be deep into his home turf. Her slender backside presented and both holes fucked thoroughly was an image he couldn't repress. As her hand slides over the smooth, carved stone, it brought more devious thoughts.

Soon, her journey will reach its climax, as she held her prize in hand. Sadistically, so would he as he recieved his own climax and gripped his own prize, Slimer thinks, chiding himself for patience.

The even spread of torches line the walls none lit so far, as the smooth corridor would descend into the ground. It would not be long before her path would reach the first branch, leading off towards the throne room, or branching deeper into the cold, dark depths of his home.



Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:40 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Komiko had come to the fork in her journey to find the book as the corridor branched off to the left and right. “Hmm… which way should I go?” Komiko asked herself looking to the left and right. “Well lets think… The book would be very valuable and this place must have been build to protect the book.” Komiko pondered out loud. “Ok how think how did they build labyrinths. Most people tend to turn right given a choice… So let go left.” Komiko said and went down the left corridor with confidence that she would find what she was searching for soon.

Komiko fingertips continued to caress the wall as she walked enjoying how smooth and glass like quality the polished rock had. She was amazed that this place remained hidden for so long but she was feeling like she was missing something important when she started to wonder how old the torches on the wall? Was they placed there long ago or recently Komiko wondered.


Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:02 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Slimer watched as she took the left branch in the fork, her lovely hips carried her forward and down the slightly descending tunnel. She appeared to be staring at the torches. Slimer wonders if he has underestimated her, she would be more keen of mind if she noticed the frsh torches sitting in the wall stands completely out of place in the archaic structure. How archaic was anyones guess but Slimer had pieced together that substructure may have been magically relocated after the building of Shokushu.

The reason why, or by whom, they were moved Slimer had yet to determine from his readings in the libraries. Slimer was well aware of the path she traveled and knew she would soon arrive at the room he thought of as the throne room. Two ornately carved throne sat upon a slightly raised dias. A curious tiara headband sat upon one chair, which seemed to deliver images of a different place and time to any human woman to slip it onto their head. He had tried the headband himself but to no results. Two weapon racks and a large tapeatry occupy the the walls in the otherwise empty room, save for a firepit in the corner and a crude lighting mechanism next to the pit. Slimer follows after admiring the view.



Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:37 pm
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Komiko had finally figured out what was out of place, it was the torches on the walls, they where fresh and not covered with cobwebs in fact the whole place seemed well taken care of. “Hmm I wonder if they have some one from the school that cleans this place?” Komiko said out load seeing the two thrown chairs on the slightly raised platform, she quickly noticed the tiara that laid forgotten on what would be were a queen or princess would sit next to her lord.

Komiko notice the tapestries and moved over to them to inspect the pictures hoping they would tell a story of why this place was here. Her delicate fingers traced a few of the pictures as she took in the whole meaning of the pictures, it was different then normal tapestries that depicted animals and mythological creatures, this one had a more advanced setting then normal. “What a strange tapestry?” Komiko mumbled to herself. Komiko left the tapestry and looked at the weapons briefly not really interested in them and went over to the thrown and smiled as she picked up the tiara and giggled as she sat down on the thrown looking at the tiara and admired the craftsmanship and design of the shining object. She straiten her shoulders grinning as she made herself look like a proper princess and placed the tiara on her head.


Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:23 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
As Komiko placed the tiara on her head, her vision seemed to flasg out of focus and darkness would set in. As the jewel object rested in her hair a flash followed, a vision took place as if it were an everyday experience one in which she was in the same hall filled with people who looked human just as she did.

It was strange in that they wore some old fashioned clothing and some wore newer styles looking much like one would imagine 20 years from now. It was a strange mix. Odd looking humanoids interspersed throughout the crowded room seemed to intermix with the humans and they all seemed to be talking excitedly, as if they were awaiting a momentous announcement from the two throned figures.

Slimer watched silently as the lovely student took a seat in the vacant throne and placed the jewelry on her head. Her eyes glazed white and she seemed lost in a trance. Looking at her lovely form he debated using the vision state to take her, but he wanted to see more, learn more and her struggles knowing what was about to befall her would make taking her all the more wonderful. So instead he watched and waited.



Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:44 pm
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Komiko watched the images flash before her as her limps seemed to become weak, she slid down slightly on the throne as she fell into the trance the tiara sent her into, while she slid down slightly her skirt hiked up just a little showing off her panties to the creature that was watching her, his presents was unknown to her and the fact she felt so weak and relaxed her limbs heavy with tiredness as she continued to watch the scene before her not knowing it was real or not.

Komiko tried to get off the throne but it felt like she was the one that was being addressed by the subjects before her, she felt her head tilt downward and saw she was in a dress that looked as if she was royalty as the glimmering gold and silk shied in the light. Komiko began to speak even though she felt her mouth move it wasn’t her that was speaking. “What seems to be the problem? Every one seems so agitated about something?” Komiko said as she looked over to a male figure who was very handsome sitting on the other throne chair. The figure smiled at her reassuringly as he addressed the person before them.


Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:37 pm
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Slimer watched as she entered the trance slumping slight in her chair when her shoulders relaxed and her alim legs pread giving a nice glimpse up the too short akirt of her panties. It took much restraint but he held hack from sneaking up on the beauty and sliming her perfect dark hair and fucking her senseless. The demon could only imagine the vision being presented to her as he was incapable of using the tiara as it seemed magically inclined to females.

The king looks comfortingly at his queen and gives a smile reserve for a loved one before returning to the agitated green alien before him. Standing he addresses the boisterous crowd. Rumors of the impending invasion have so far proven untrue... the king says to an angry uproar from the crowd. They seemed agitated and drunk and frankly scared, it was all it ook to not take the long time, trusted rulers word for absolute truth as they had in the past. I promise each and everyone of our kingdom that we are completely safe for now, as we have always been. This quandrant of the sector contains few stars and we are an unlikely target for any hostile invasion force, much less the rumored horde. I have consulted our mighty wizards and they have proclaimed exactly what I just told you now. Even so they assure me that they can magically relocate the entire hold should an attack come...

The handsome king looks tired as he makes the proclaimation. He glances to where Komiko sits and stares at the visage of his decades long wife and partner and gives a smile knowing even he doesn't believe his own words. At that prophetic moment he was proven a liar as the sky darkens eerily and a hum fills the air. An explosion rocks the ground having eminated from not too distant.

The crowd roars to life, fleeing to their homes and families as the droning increases among the chaos. Among the crowd appears flying wasps, some killing the males in the crowd while subduing the females with a green slimey spit. Against the men they stab for vital points on their bodies, while interacting with the females their stingers turn toward phallic shaped tools, and begin rapidly fucking their orafices.

Screams of pain mix with moans of pleasure as the ill-told invasion does in fact begin the first wave of invaders quickly followed by the menacing alien second waves...



Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:00 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
In the trance Komiko imitated the expressions the queen had during the trouble time that had long past, getting up from the throne Komiko got up quickly and ran towards the other side of the cave in a panic what Komiko saw was her getting up and running to the balcony and tripped over her feet. Outside the trance what Komiko tripped over was the creature who planned this who outing, Komiko breasts pressed in his face as she tried to get up.
Komiko got back up dusting herself off as she bent over the balcony seeing the carnage that was happing to her great kingdom gasping at the sight. “Husband what do we do? Paige summon the sorcerer and sorceress, we must make preparations to leave.” Komiko commanded the Paige. “Yes your highness right away.” the young girl ran off to do what her queen had commanded. Komiko continued to look over the balcony waiting for the wizards to arrive. Back in the cave the creature could see how Komiko was leaning over some stalagmites that could be envisioned as a balcony rail, she was on her tip toes to see more that was going on below within the vision in a panic. Komiko chest swelling as she was breathing rapidly, the blood pumping fast in her veins causing her face to blush as her green eyes looked glossed over because of the tiara control to show her the past of a civilization that was unknown to most except those who wear the crown.

Komiko steps away from the balcony looking over to her king and mate, “What’s taking them so long husband? Our people are being raped and pillaged my beloved, will the wizards truly be able to transport us before they get to the palace my lord?” Komiko asked him hope the wizards was true to there word.


Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:09 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Slimer watched as the beautiful student was enthralled in her trance. After a few words she got up to run, knocking the surprised invisible demon on his back. She straddled him and her large breasts pushed into his face. He was surprised and in fact happy thinking she had detected him and sought release, until she struggled to her feet and ran over and appeared as if she was looking off into the distance, at a wall?

Her words clued him in on some missing pieces of the history of the hold. The entired palace was apparently transported to the island by powerful wizards of long past. The magical library containing all the magical tomes apparently showed the levels of control over their magic and the extent at which their mastery extended.

Meanwhile in her vision she watched as the horrors grew closer, the explosions came from rocketing green comets descending from the sky. Where they struck the great city, massive explosions erupted to screams of agony and cries of morning loss. The swarm of wasps seemed endless. The crowd ran in front of their approach, apparently the front line soldiers of the invading force. Who controlled this awesome force remained unknown and only speculation and rumor guessed at the evil controlling mastermind.

As the queen looked out she saw some wizards intermixed in the crowd. The stood as if pillars among rushing waters, as the frightened crowd ran for the keep seeking safety. They began to glow as their powers interlinked raising a glowing yellow wall separating as much of.the invasion force from the palace as they could. Unfortunately, they had trapped numerous of the multicolored wasps in thier side of the magical barrier. The people who had cheered the magical display began to cry out in painful agony if male as the lethal beasts began to strike them down, while the women were secured by their slimey split and penetrared in vicious rapes.

The kindly faced king looked to his beautiful wife, and the only thing that came from his lips was, We were wrong. My gods how we were wrong. His face had grown ashen as he spoke the ominous words.

The court wizards, their ultimate last hope entered the chamber to cheers. They stood in the corners of the room and began chanting and gesturing...



Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:20 pm
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
Komiko heard the wizards footsteps and quickly turned around looking slightly to the side of Slimer. “Its about time you two, begin preparations starting with three barriers of protection. Kaila seal the palace.” Komiko instructed the wizards and walked over to her king slapping him playfully on the face. “Focus my husband.” she said as Komiko wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply.

It was unfortunate or fortunate that Slimer was in the exact spot that the king was standing as outside Komiko vision which her eyes looked blank to all that was going on around her had wrapped her arms around Slimer neck after slapping him leaving his face stink from her delicate hand, her lips pressed against his as she began to kiss him lovingly her lip tugging at his as she backed away.

Komiko smiled and suddenly the cave began to shake like a small earth quake had started to move under them, it was either the tiara had activated the cave or the nod that lived within her was helping to simulate what was going on within Komiko mind. The walls began to crack and large chunks of stone fell away from the walls revealing the true perfectly preserved craftsmanship of the race that had transported the palace here. The sound of stone grinding on stone was all around them as the balcony was revealed and slowly sealed. The lights within the room died suddenly and the light from Komiko flashlight had popped because of some strange energy that was surrounding the place. The loud booming sound from the stone informed them that the palace was sealed, it was quite for a moment when the room slowly light up coming from the walls like a florescent office lighting.

Kaila had walked over to the throne and pushed a button as the palace slowly started to seal itself leaving them in complete darkness, within the darkness Komiko could hear moans of pleasures and lust coming from where Kaila her Paige was, thinking she was making those noise for a laugh. Komiko giggled. “Would you stop that Kaila.” Komiko said but when the lights had come on Komiko saw that her Paige was naked on the floor her hands pinned down with some type of green slime her legs spread wide and them to pinned open, her hips in the air while she was being raped by two wasps. Kaila face had the look of some one who was drugged with pleasure drugs as she drooled with a blank stair on her face that was filled with lust.

Komiko mouth dropped in shock and looked at her husband but is face was much different then the girl face his was in surprise and pain as he looked at his beloved queen. The reason soon came apparent as a long stinger erupted from his chest and he collapsed to the floor. The wizard quickly subdued the wasp on Kaila and the wasp that had attacked the king went after the queen a cock had replaced the stinger as it lunged on the queen, Komiko fell backwards her knees closed tight trying to prevent the wasp from entering her personal treasure hole. “Help get this thing off of me!” Komiko screamed as the wizards quickly subdued the wasp, she quickly got up and looked down at the thing. “Quickly raise the shields wizard starting with the inner on the middle one and then the outer one.” Komiko commanded the wizards.


Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:12 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
The demon watched Komiko as she turned, her hair spinning behind her as she looked roughly where he was standing still invisible. With the crown on her head he was still roughly sure she was lost in its vision. What happened next still confuses him to this day. He wasn't sure which surprised him the most, the stinging slap to his chiseled face, or the loving kiss complete with her lips tugging his lower one. Too shocked to return the kiss he felt his member growing hard. It was strange that her kiss seemed to be shaking the world.

Loose rocks and boulders fell from the walls, as the entire keep shook down to its foundation. A balcony was freed from encompassing rock walls and the cavern grew light and then pitch black dark. Luckily the faint torch light from many halls away were all that his neon green eyes needed to see in the inky surroundings.

He had never seen one of the humans were the tiara this long and he wondered if she was lost in the jeweled headbands influence. She certainly seemed to be interacting and speaking as if she was someone else, someplace else, lost in the sands of time. Debating on letting the spectacle continue or to interceed using his relaxing slime to paralyze her, he opts for the former. Perhaps when she finally broke free of the spell, he could extract answers on the elusive history on this keep that he now called home.

The wizards worked their magic with haste following the now sole ruler's orders as if their god itself had spoken. The inner keep was sealed first trapping no more than thirty wasps inside with them. After a brief pause they examined their work with their mind's eye and saw the barrier large and unbroken.

Second, they began chanting and waving again as the rest of the keep was swallowed in the magical bubble, temporarily ending the rocking explosions that had the entire keep shaking from tremors.

As they inspected the work one wizard found a wavering of energy where a wizard had fallen and used his magical energies to fix the almost rift in the barrier. As he finished, he slumped to one knee to regain his energies. As the other wizards went to cast the final barrier, he arose to join them in the biggest expenditure of energy so far. The barrier encompassing the entire town. Their would be no rest as his energy was needed to save the town from reinforcements that seemed relentless and without limit.

As the bubble began to form topfirst in the sky, the shelling of the populace halted temporarily. It was then that disaster struck and he fell face first, a lifeless corpse. The wasp that had pentrated his eyelid and brain behind it was squashed as his head his the stonework. The final barrier began to falter under the explosions before the third barrier failed completely. Without the final barrier the reinforcements continued to stream forward dooming the entire town outside the keep to a hellish doom...



Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:57 am
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Post Re: Unexpected Discoveries (Komiko)
The queen could feel the magic wavering as tears came to her eyes as she focused her own magic at the what had just happen seconds ago to the high mage, the area where the fallen mage and killer bee was engulfed in a sphere as time began to rewind. The amount of power coming from the queen was immense, she fell to one knee trying to maintain the spell. The stinger that penetrated the mage eyes was reversed and the queen released the spell firing another spell at the bee but it was slightly late it had penetrated the mage eye once more but this time the mage wasn’t killed as he collapsed to the floor unconscious from the shock, the bee stunned from the queen spell.

Komiko fell to the ground on both knees as her exhausted body falling forward panting her arms out to the side as if she was pinned down by something that slimer couldn’t see, her hips in the air while her legs was spread wide apart showing off her white panties to the creature. Komiko yelled. “Don’t give up no matter what these things do to you Ahhhh!” Komiko said as she moaned.

The vision that Komiko was seeing as she was forced forward her arms had been pinned out to her sides with the goo that the bees used to prevent the queen page from escaping the sexual assault that she was still moaning from her rape in sexual pleasure. The female mage was also knocked to the ground and screamed as her clothing was ripped from her body and bound to the floor in the bee slime but the female high mage maintained the two shields that would help transport the palace.

The second shield began to falter during the distraction as the high mage tried to focus as she moaned during her raping from the insect. “Ahh! I cant maintain it Ahh! Ahh! I’m to weak Ahh!” the high mage moaned. Komiko moaned back. “Ahh Ngahh! I-I’ll give you some of my power Ahh!” at that moment Komiko hands began to glow and the second shield rebounded to full strength once more. The queen eyes watered as she knew her home was no more and couldn’t save every one except those within the palace. “Forgive me my people… begin the space-time fold to the Orion Spur Ahh!” Komiko moaned louder. The high mage moaned back. “Ahh Nghaa! Yes my queen Ahhh!” the room began to twist and become distorted as the whole palace shifted and disappeared from the town ravaged by the swarm of sexual bees, when it reappeared the palace was in the mists of a deep tropical forest.

Komiko hips was moving back and forth as if something invisible was taking her from behind, her panties moist where her labia folds could be seen, Komiko appeared to be completely helpless as her hands that was glowing slowly faded the light from the pillars continued to cast light within the throne room her moans echo throw the room as she breathed hard.


Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:04 am
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